
**Customization Form: Shoes and Hats**

1. **Personal Information:**
- Full Name:
- Email Address:
- Phone Number:

2. **Product Selection:**
- Type of Product (Shoes/Hats):
- Quantity:

3. **Design Preferences:**
- Color Palette:
- Pattern (if any):
- Preferred Material:
- Design Inspiration (optional):
-Pictures (JPEG, PNG)

4. **Size:**
- Shoe Size:
- Hat Size:

5. **Additional Features:**
- Embroidery (Yes/No):
- Special Requests:

6. **Delivery Information:**
- Shipping Address:
- Preferred Delivery Date:

7. **Payment Information:**
- Payment Method:
- Billing Address (if different):

8. **Terms and Conditions:**
- Agree to Terms and Conditions (Checkbox):

9. **Submit Button:**
- "Place Order"

Please note that this is a general template. You may need to adapt it based on your specific business requirements and products.